Sergey Pekarski Elected New Dean of Faculty of Economic Sciences
The HSE Academic Council announced that Sergey Pekarski, Head of the Department of Theoretical Economics, will take over as Dean of Faculty from Oleg Zamulin, who will join Sberbank’s Centre of Macroeconomic Research as Director. Professor Zamulin will retain his position of professor at the faculty and continue teaching.

Isak Froumin Becomes Consulting Editor for UNESCO International Review of Education
The head of the HSE Institute of Education, Professor Isak Froumin, has joined the journal International Review of Education as a consulting editor. David Atchoarena, the publication’s editor-in-chief and the director of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, recently informed the Institute of Education that he was extending this offer.

HSE to Focus on Applied Research of Human Capital
In order to research human capital, Lilia Ovcharova, a renowned scholar and expert on social policy, has been appointed Vice Rector responsible for applied human capital research at HSE. Human capital development studies are key priority for our university.

HSE Banking Institute Director Awarded Italian Order of the Star
Italy’s Ambassador to Russia Pasquale Terracciano made HSE Banking Institute Director Vasily Solodkov a Knight of the Italian Order of the Star for his exceptional scholarly contribution to the advancement and development of friendly relations and cooperation between Italy and Russia.
Fuad Aleskerov Elected to Academia Europaea
Tenured HSE Professor Fuad Aleskerov, who is the head of the Faculty of Economic Sciences’ Department of Mathematics, has become a member of the Informatics section of the Academia Europaea.

Alexander Tonevitsky Recognized as Distinguished Scientist of Russia
Alexander Tonevitsky, Dean of the HSE Faculty of Biology and Biotechnologies and corresponding member of the RAS, was awarded the honorary title of Distinguished Scientist of the Russian Federation. The awards ceremony was held in the Kremlin on November 27.

‘Successful Admissions Is the Result of Daily Work over Several Years’
Academic Supervisors of HSE programmes have been awarded bonuses for activities contributing to the university’s development. Active attraction of international students to HSE has become one of the assessment criteria.
Professor from HSE School of Business Informatics Presents Innovations at Forum in Skolkovo
The 7th Moscow International Forum ‘Open Innovations.’ which took place from October 15 – 17 in Skolkovo, included an exhibition on the results of research carried out by academic institutions, small enterprises and leading universities, including HSE.

Leading Researcher at the HSE Faculty of Computer Science Coordinates New Experiment at CERN
Fedor Ratnikov, a leading researcher at the Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis (LAMBDA), has been appointed project coordinator in the SHiP collaboration. He will be responsible for developing and designing the detector’s active magnetic radiation shielding.

Martin Carnoy and Christian Welzel Awarded HSE Medal
The Contribution to Science and Education Award, established by the HSE, recognises outstanding contributions to academic development and international academic cooperation.