HSE and Lappeenranta University of Technology to launch exchange programme in 2015
Agreements have been signed on a student exchange programme between the HSE and Finland’s Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT). The documents also call for the creation of dual-degree master’s programmes between the two universities.

‘Game of Thrones’ and ‘Lord of the Rings’ Prove Interest in Middle Ages
From October 7-9, the second annual ‘Dynamic Middle Ages’ school of young medievalists took place in Moscow. After its conclusion, participants talked about what they find interesting in the Middle Ages and the parallels they see between those times and today.
is the index of gender inequality in Russia. In a country that has achieved full equality between men and women, this figure would be zero; however, no such countries exist in the world.

HSE.Cornerstone: 17 Malaya Ordynka
In the 1950s, a golden candlestick was found in the ventilation system in one of the rooms of this building – a reminder of the fact that it was initially a jewellery factory. During the Soviet era, the building housed a leather and footwear training school, dormitory and a continuing education institute for engineering and technical personnel.
Global Business MA Programme now available at HSE Nizhny Novgorod
HSE Nizhny Novgorod has launched a new MA programme that aims to develop the professional and interpersonal skills managers need to work in the global economy. Global Business includes unparalleled interaction with partner Universities in Europe – including the Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria) and Università degli Studi di Bergamo (Italy).
Russian Universities Need New Rules and Regulations to Get into World Top Rankings
The HSE hosted the second general meeting of members of the Global Universities association on October 8. They discussed issues relating to attracting international students to Russian universities, about possibilities for the accreditation of programmes in new specialties and about the leading universities' conferring degrees.
Happiness Linked to Trust towards Colleagues and Neighbours
Russian society has a generally low level of trust. Colleagues and neighbours are the only exception – Russians regard them as trustworthy. A trusting attitude towards one's inner circle of acquaintances has a greater effect on life satisfaction than trust in public institutions and people in general, according to Anna Mironova, Research Intern of the HSE’s International Laboratory of Socio-Cultural Research.
PISA Results Linked to More than Education System
HSE’s Institute of Education hosted a visit by University of Arizona Professor Emeritus David Berliner. In an interview with the Institute, Professor Berliner discussed problems of schooling in the U.S. and Russia, possible ways of evaluating the work of instructors, and also how the results of international educational research should be factored into decision-making.
Students Prepare for Careers in Growing Experience Economy
Dr. Spring H. Han, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Management, has been at the Higher School of Economics since 2012. Her current research interests focus on the hotel industry. She recently spoke with the HSE news service about her teaching and research, as well as the students she advises in a new programme called ‘Experience Economy: Hospitality and Tourism Management.’