HSE Enters THE Subject Rankings in Physical Sciences for First Time
For the first time ever, the Higher School of Economics has entered the Times Higher Education ranking in the physical sciences, placing in the 401-500 group. The results of the ranking were announced at a Project 5-100 conference seminar by Phil Baty, chief editor of the THE World University Rankings.
HSE Enters Top 50 in QS BRICS Ranking
HSE’s progress in the global rankings in 2017 can also be seen in the QS BRICS regional ranking, where HSE is now 39th among all universities, moving up 23 positions as compared to last year.

HSE Fashion Day Held at School of Art and Design
On November 19, 2017 HSE Fashion Day was held at Art Basements, Tsvetnoy Central Market. The event was organized by the School of Art and Design.
How Behavioral Economics Changes Personal Perception
In 2017 Richard Thaler received the Nobel Prize for research in behavioral economics. Since 2009, the HSE Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioral Economics has been researching this field of economics. Alexey Belianin, Head of the Laboratory and Deputy Director of the International College of Economics and Finance, and lab staff members told HSE News Service why standard economic models do not work and how to make a person behave in a particular way.
HSE Professor Delivers Course on War and Peace at University of Bayreuth
Boris Kashnikov, Professor at the Faculty of Humanities, has delivered a course on "War and Peace" at the University of Bayreuth (Germany). The course was delivered in cooperation with Professor Rudolf Schuessler - specialist in just war theory, theory of international negotiations, and ethics in economics. The course is the result of the cooperation agreement recently signed between HSE and the University of Bayreuth.

Joint Department with Deloitte Opens at HSE
With the Joint Department with Deloitte, the HSE School of Finance now has joint departments with all of the Big Four audit and consulting firms.
Bachelor’s Programme in Economics Accredited by ICAEW
On October 31st, 2017, the bachelor’s programme in Economics taught by HSE in St. Petersburg successfully passed accreditation by ICAEW, a prestigious British association of accountants.
‘Game Theory Teaches an Understanding of Opponents’ Behaviour’
The first student contest in game theory has taken place at HSE. Organized by the HSE Group of Young Academic Professionals, it brought together 150 undergraduate and Master’s students from 17 Russian universities, as well as one high school student from Moscow.
Deconstructing the Constant Reshaping of Russian Identity and Memory Policy
From October 23 to 29, 2017, the Department of Public Policy at the Higher School of Economics held a weeklong Winter School dedicated to the subject of the ‘Russian historic memory: in search of identity’. Participants from four continents came together in Rostov Veliky, one of Russia’s oldest and most historical cities.

International Council Recognizes HSE as Leader in Project 5-100
The Higher School of Economics was recognized as a leader among Project 5-100 universities following a recent session held by the Council on Competitiveness Enhancement of Leading Russian Universities among Global Research and Education Centers. The session took place in Yekaterinburg on October 27-28 and was chaired by Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia.