Consumer Prices Decrease in Densely Populated Areas
HSE University economists have proposed a novel approach to modelling monopolistic competition with heterogeneous firms and consumers. The results of collaborative research carried out by Alexander Tarasov from Moscow, his co-authors from HSE University–St Petersburg, together with the Norwegian School of Economics, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Free University of Brussels, have been published in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.

HSE Students Represent Russia at BRICS+ Youth Innovation Summit in Pretoria
In May 2024, Pretoria, the capital of South Africa, hosted the BRICS+ Youth Innovation Summit, where students from HSE University represented Russia. They successfully defended their business projects and were among the top 15 speakers, winning the event. The summit was organised by the South African BRICS Youth Association (SABYA).

Season Eight of HSE CREATIVE OPEN Competition Begins
HSE CREATIVE OPEN international online competition of the HSE Art and Design School opens the summer season featuring new categories: ‘Visual Research,’ ‘Game Design,’ ‘Motion Design,’ ‘Poster,’ and ‘Digital Product.’

‘Everything Evermore All at Once’: New Exhibition at HSE ART GALLERY
HSE ART GALLERY, which was established in 2018, has launched a new exhibition area. The first project in the new space opened on May 28, 2024. The exhibition represents works by more than 50 HSE Art and Design School students and graduates in Contemporary Art, Fashion, and Subject Design.

Boundaries between Developmental Language Disorders and Typical Performance Blurred in Young Children
A new study by researchers at the HSE Language and Brain Centre and the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences can change the current understanding of language acquisition in young children, revealing that the boundaries between typical performance and developmental disorders are not as clear-cut as previously believed. Having tested more than 100 Russian-speaking children between the ages of 4 and 7, the researchers discovered that some children diagnosed with developmental language disorders (DLD) performed on par with their peers who did not have speech and language diagnoses. The study has been published in the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
Football Players Cover Greater Distances During Critical Derby Matches at Home Arena
Researchers at the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences examined the level of effort that professional football players are willing to exert during a match in absence of financial incentives. It appears that the primary factors driving players to strive harder for victory are the strength of the opponent and the significance of the match for the club. This is particularly noticeable in derby matches between teams from the same city, such as the Moscow derby between CSKA and Spartak on April 25, 2024. The study has been published in the Journal of the New Economic Association.
‘Do Not Hesitate, Moscow Will Not Disappoint You’
Sergio Terrón, 27, from Alicante, Spain, is a first-year student of the Master's programme in Socioeconomic and Political Development of Modern Asia at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs of HSE University in Moscow. His main research interest is bilateral relations between China and Spain. What do students need to succeed in their studies at HSE? What does Moscow have to offer to international students? Sergio talked about these and some other issues in his interview for the HSE News Service.

Researchers Discover Genetic Bridge between Ancient and Modern Populations of North Caucasus
Although the North Caucasus played a crucial role in the ancient colonisation of Eurasia and the shaping of its cultural and genetic heritage, the genetic history of its indigenous cultures has not yet been fully explored. Scientists have, for the first time, conducted deep sequencing of ancient DNA from members of the Koban culture that emerged in the late Bronze Age in the North Caucasus and compared this genetic data with that of modern populations of the Caucasus. Their findings confirm the role of Koban culture carriers as an ancient genetic bridge between the Bronze and Iron Ages in the North Caucasus. The study has been published in the European Journal of Human Genetics.

Participation in Crowdfunding Can Generate up to 73% in Returns Annually
Backers of projects on crowdfunding platforms can expect rewards from their pledges. For example, funding someone's idea on Kickstarter can result in an average annual return of 11.5%, with design projects known to deliver returns as high as 70%. However, it is important to note that these returns do not come in the form of direct cash payments but rather as savings on the purchase of the product once it hits the market. This has been demonstrated in a study by researchers at the HSE Faculty of Economics published in Economic Analysis Letters.

HSE Distinguished Professor Sergey Karaganov Moderates Plenary Session at SPIEF
At the plenary session of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), Russian President Vladimir Putin participated alongside the Presidents of Bolivia and Zimbabwe, Luis Alberto Arce Catacora and Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa. For the first time, a representative from HSE University—Sergey Karaganov, Academic Supervisor of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs and HSE’s distinguished professor—served as the moderator of the plenary session.